PowerPC Instruction Set
2011. 4. 4. 15:49
Below, the instruction set for the PowerPC architecture is given. A lot of instructions were intentionally left out:
- Instructions for 64-bit Implementations Only
- Floating Point Instructions
- Supervisor-Level Instructions
- I/O-specific Instructions
- Instructions for Multiprocessor Support
- Trap / System Call Instructions
This leaves 107 instructions: the core PowerPC Instruction Set.
When following the links below, you will be taken to a page describing a (family of) instructions. Note that these descriptions are taken from the 64-bit version of the instruction set; bit numbering are different for some instructions on 32-bit implementations. The lab course software uses a 32-bit PowerPC emulator.
The mnemonics column shows all valid forms of an instruction; it also shows simplified mnemonics in italics.
Instruction | Mnemonics | Description |
add | add / add. / addo / addo. | Add |
addc | addc / addc. / addco /addco. | Add Carrying |
adde | adde / adde. / addeo /addeo. | Add Extended |
addi | addi / li / la / subi | Add Immediate |
addic | addic / subic | Add Immediate Carrying |
addic. | addic. / subic. | Add Immediate Carrying and Record |
addis | addis / lis / subis | Add Immediate Shifted |
addme | addme / addme. / addmeo / addmeo. | Add to Minus One Extended |
addze | addze / addze. / addzeo / addzeo. | Add to Zero Extended |
and | and / and. | AND |
andc | andc / andc. | AND with Complement |
andi. | andi. | AND Immediate |
andis. | andis. | AND Immediate Shifted |
b | b / ba / bl / bla | Branch |
bc | bc /bca / bcl bcla | Branch Conditional |
bcctr | bcctr / bcctrl | Branch Conditional to Count Register |
bclr | bclr / bclrl | Branch Conditional to Link Register |
cmp | cmp / cmpw | Compare |
cmpi | cmpi / cmpwi | Compare Immediate |
cmpl | cmpl / cmplw | Compare Logical |
cmpli | cmpli / cmplwi | Compare Logical Immediate |
cntlzw | cntlzw / cntlzw. | Count Leading Zeros Word |
crand | crand | Condition Register AND |
crandc | crandc | Condition Register AND with Complement |
creqv | creqv / crset | Condition Register Equivalent |
crnand | crnand | Condition Register NAND |
crnor | crnor / crnot | Condition Register NOR |
cror | cror / crmove | Condition Register OR |
crorc | crorc | Condition Register OR with Complement |
crxor | crxor / crclr | Condition Register XOR |
divw | divw / divw. / divwo / divwo. | Divide Word |
divwu | divwu / divwu. / divwuo / divwuo. | Divide Word Unsigned |
eqv | eqv / eqv. | Equivalent |
extsb | extsb / extsb. | Extend Sign Byte |
extsh | extsh / extsh. | Extend Sign Half Word |
lbz | lbz | Load Byte and Zero |
lbzu | lbzu | Load Byte and Zero with Update |
lbzux | lbzux | Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed |
lbzx | lbzx | Load Byte and Zero Indexed |
lha | lha | Load Half Word Algebraic |
lhau | lhau | Load Half Word Algebraic with Update |
lhaux | lhaux | Load Half Word Algebraic with Update Indexed |
lhax | lhax | Load Half Word Algebraic Indexed |
lhbrx | lhbrx | Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed |
lhz | lhz | Load Half Word and Zero |
lhzu | lhzu | Load Half Word and Zero with Update |
lhzux | lhzux | Load Half Word and Zero with Update Indexed |
lhzx | lhzx | Load Half Word and Zero Indexed |
lmw | lmw | Load Multiple Word |
lswi | lswi | Load String Word Immediate |
lswx | lswx | Load String Word Indexed |
lwbrx | lwbrx | Load Word Byte-Reversed Indexed |
lwz | lwz | Load Word and Zero |
lwzu | lwzu | Load Word and Zero with Update |
lwzux | lwzux | Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed |
lwzx | lwzx | Load Word and Zero Indexed |
mcrf | mcrf | Move Condition Regisiter Field |
mcrxr | mcrxr | Move to Condition Register from XER |
mfcr | mfcr | Move from Condition Register |
mfspr | mfspr / mfxer / mflr / mfctr | Move from Special-Purpose Register |
mftb | mftb | Move from Time Base |
mtcrf | mtcrf | Move to Condition Register Fields |
mtspr | mtspr / mtxer / mtlr / mtctr | Move to Special-Purpose Register |
mulhw | mulhw / mulhw. | Multiply High Word |
mulhwu | mulhwu / mulhwu. | Multiply High Word Unsigned |
mulli | mulli | Multiply Low Immediate |
mullw | mullw / mullw. / mullwo / mullwo. | Multiply Low Word |
nand | nand / nand. | NAND |
neg | neg / neg. / nego / nego. | Negate |
nor | nor /nor. | NOR |
or | or / or. | OR |
orc | orc / orc. | OR with Complement |
ori | ori | OR Immediate |
oris | oris | OR Immediate Shifted |
rlwimi | rlwimi / rlwimi. / inslwi / insrwi | Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert |
rlwinm | rlwinm / rlwinm. / extlwi / extrwi rotlwi / rotrwi / slwi / srwi clrlwi / clrrwi / clrlslwi |
Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask |
rlwnm | rlwnm / rlwnm. / rotlw | Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask |
slw | slw / slw. | Shift Left Word |
sraw | sraw /sraw. | Shift Right Algebraic Word |
srawi | srawi / srawi. | Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate |
srw | srw / srw. | Shift Right Word |
stb | stb | Store Byte |
stbu | stbu | Store Byte with Update |
stbux | stbux | Store Byte with Update Indexed |
stbx | stbx | Store Byte Indexed |
sth | sth | Store Half Word |
sthbrx | sthbrx | Store Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed |
sthu | sthu | Store Half Word with Update |
sthux | sthux | Store Half Word with Update Indexed |
sthx | sthx | Store Half Word Indexed |
stmw | stmw | Store Multiple Word |
stswi | stswi | Store String Word Immediate |
stswx | stswx | Store String Word Indexed |
stw | stw | Store Word |
stwbrx | stwbrx | Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed |
stwu | stwu | Store Word with Update |
stwux | stwux | Store Word with Update Indexed |
stwx | stwx | Store Word Indexed |
subf | subf / subf. / subfo / subfo. / sub | Subtract From |
subfc | subfc / subfc. / subfco / subfco. / subc | Subtract from Carrying |
subfe | subfe / subfe. / subfeo. / subfeo. | Subtrect from Extended |
subfic | subfic | Subtract from Immediate Carrying |
subfme | subfme / subfme. / subfmeo / subfmeo. | Subtract from Minus One Extended |
subfze | subfze / subfze. / subfzeo / subfzeo. | Subtract from Zero Extended |
xor | xor / xor. | XOR |
xori | xori | XOR Immediate |
xoris | xoris | XOR Immediate Shifted |
출 처 : http://pds.twi.tudelft.nl/vakken/in1200/labcourse/instruction-set/