3.2.1.  Registers

The 64-bit PowerPC Architecture provides 32 general purpose registers,
each 64 bits wide.  In addition, the architecture provides 32
floating-point registers, each 64 bits wide, and several special
purpose registers.  All of the integer, special purpose, and
floating-point registers are global to all functions in a running
program.  The following table shows how the registers are used.

r0        Volatile register used in function prologs
r1        Stack frame pointer
r2        TOC pointer
r3        Volatile parameter and return value register
r4-r10    Volatile registers used for function parameters
r11       Volatile register used in calls by pointer and as an
          environment pointer for languages which require one
r12       Volatile register used for exception handling and glink code
r13       Reserved for use as system thread ID
r14-r31   Nonvolatile registers used for local variables

f0        Volatile scratch register
f1-f4     Volatile floating point parameter and return value registers
f5-f13    Volatile floating point parameter registers
f14-f31   Nonvolatile registers

LR        Link register (volatile)
CTR       Loop counter register (volatile)
XER       Fixed point exception register (volatile)
FPSCR     Floating point status and control register (volatile)

CR0-CR1   Volatile condition code register fields
CR2-CR4   Nonvolatile condition code register fields
CR5-CR7   Volatile condition code register fields

On processors with the VMX feature.

v0-v1     Volatile scratch registers
v2-v13    Volatile vector parameters registers
v14-v19   Volatile scratch registers
v20-v31   Non-volatile registers
vrsave    Non-volatile 32-bit register

mtsprg 0, rs mtspr 272, rs yes SPRG0
mtsprg 1, rs mtspr 273, rs yes SPRG1
mtsprg 2, rs mtspr 274, rs yes SPRG2
mtsprg 3, rs mtspr 275, rs yes SPRG3

출처 : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/aix/v6r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.aixassem/doc/alangref/moving_special_reg.htm

Below, the instruction set for the PowerPC architecture is given. A lot of instructions were intentionally left out:

  • Instructions for 64-bit Implementations Only
  • Floating Point Instructions
  • Supervisor-Level Instructions
  • I/O-specific Instructions
  • Instructions for Multiprocessor Support
  • Trap / System Call Instructions

This leaves 107 instructions: the core PowerPC Instruction Set.

When following the links below, you will be taken to a page describing a (family of) instructions. Note that these descriptions are taken from the 64-bit version of the instruction set; bit numbering are different for some instructions on 32-bit implementations. The lab course software uses a 32-bit PowerPC emulator.

The mnemonics column shows all valid forms of an instruction; it also shows simplified mnemonics in italics.

add add / add. / addo / addo. Add
addc addc / addc. / addco /addco. Add Carrying
adde adde / adde. / addeo /addeo. Add Extended
addi addi / li / la / subi Add Immediate
addic addic / subic Add Immediate Carrying
addic. addic. / subic. Add Immediate Carrying and Record
addis addis / lis / subis Add Immediate Shifted
addme addme / addme. / addmeo / addmeo. Add to Minus One Extended
addze addze / addze. / addzeo / addzeo. Add to Zero Extended
and and / and. AND
andc andc / andc. AND with Complement
andi. andi. AND Immediate
andis. andis. AND Immediate Shifted
b b / ba / bl / bla Branch
bc bc /bca / bcl bcla Branch Conditional
bcctr bcctr / bcctrl Branch Conditional to Count Register
bclr bclr / bclrl Branch Conditional to Link Register
cmp cmp / cmpw Compare
cmpi cmpi / cmpwi Compare Immediate
cmpl cmpl / cmplw Compare Logical
cmpli cmpli / cmplwi Compare Logical Immediate
cntlzw cntlzw / cntlzw. Count Leading Zeros Word
crand crand Condition Register AND
crandc crandc Condition Register AND with Complement
creqv creqv / crset Condition Register Equivalent
crnand crnand Condition Register NAND
crnor crnor / crnot Condition Register NOR
cror cror / crmove Condition Register OR
crorc crorc Condition Register OR with Complement
crxor crxor / crclr Condition Register XOR
divw divw / divw. / divwo / divwo. Divide Word
divwu divwu / divwu. / divwuo / divwuo. Divide Word Unsigned
eqv eqv / eqv. Equivalent
extsb extsb / extsb. Extend Sign Byte
extsh extsh / extsh. Extend Sign Half Word
lbz lbz Load Byte and Zero
lbzu lbzu Load Byte and Zero with Update
lbzux lbzux Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed
lbzx lbzx Load Byte and Zero Indexed
lha lha Load Half Word Algebraic
lhau lhau Load Half Word Algebraic with Update
lhaux lhaux Load Half Word Algebraic with Update Indexed
lhax lhax Load Half Word Algebraic Indexed
lhbrx lhbrx Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
lhz lhz Load Half Word and Zero
lhzu lhzu Load Half Word and Zero with Update
lhzux lhzux Load Half Word and Zero with Update Indexed
lhzx lhzx Load Half Word and Zero Indexed
lmw lmw Load Multiple Word
lswi lswi Load String Word Immediate
lswx lswx Load String Word Indexed
lwbrx lwbrx Load Word Byte-Reversed Indexed
lwz lwz Load Word and Zero
lwzu lwzu Load Word and Zero with Update
lwzux lwzux Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed
lwzx lwzx Load Word and Zero Indexed
mcrf mcrf Move Condition Regisiter Field
mcrxr mcrxr Move to Condition Register from XER
mfcr mfcr Move from Condition Register
mfspr mfspr / mfxer / mflr / mfctr Move from Special-Purpose Register
mftb mftb Move from Time Base
mtcrf mtcrf Move to Condition Register Fields
mtspr mtspr / mtxer / mtlr / mtctr Move to Special-Purpose Register
mulhw mulhw / mulhw. Multiply High Word
mulhwu mulhwu / mulhwu. Multiply High Word Unsigned
mulli mulli Multiply Low Immediate
mullw mullw / mullw. / mullwo / mullwo. Multiply Low Word
nand nand / nand. NAND
neg neg / neg. / nego / nego. Negate
nor nor /nor. NOR
or or / or. OR
orc orc / orc. OR with Complement
ori ori OR Immediate
oris oris OR Immediate Shifted
rlwimi rlwimi / rlwimi. / inslwi / insrwi Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert
rlwinm rlwinm / rlwinm. / extlwi / extrwi
rotlwi / rotrwi / slwi / srwi
clrlwi / clrrwi / clrlslwi
Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
rlwnm rlwnm / rlwnm. / rotlw Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
slw slw / slw. Shift Left Word
sraw sraw /sraw. Shift Right Algebraic Word
srawi srawi / srawi. Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate
srw srw / srw. Shift Right Word
stb stb Store Byte
stbu stbu Store Byte with Update
stbux stbux Store Byte with Update Indexed
stbx stbx Store Byte Indexed
sth sth Store Half Word
sthbrx sthbrx Store Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
sthu sthu Store Half Word with Update
sthux sthux Store Half Word with Update Indexed
sthx sthx Store Half Word Indexed
stmw stmw Store Multiple Word
stswi stswi Store String Word Immediate
stswx stswx Store String Word Indexed
stw stw Store Word
stwbrx stwbrx Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
stwu stwu Store Word with Update
stwux stwux Store Word with Update Indexed
stwx stwx Store Word Indexed
subf subf / subf. / subfo / subfo. / sub Subtract From
subfc subfc / subfc. / subfco / subfco. / subc Subtract from Carrying
subfe subfe / subfe. / subfeo. / subfeo. Subtrect from Extended
subfic subfic Subtract from Immediate Carrying
subfme subfme / subfme. / subfmeo / subfmeo. Subtract from Minus One Extended
subfze subfze / subfze. / subfzeo / subfzeo. Subtract from Zero Extended
xor xor / xor. XOR
xori xori XOR Immediate
xoris xoris XOR Immediate Shifted

출 처 : http://pds.twi.tudelft.nl/vakken/in1200/labcourse/instruction-set/

   Port Registers

1. Port Open-Drain Registers
 : The port open-drain register(PODR), indicates a normal or wired-OR configuration of the port pins.
 : Determines whethehr the corresponding pin is actively driven as an output or is an open-drain driver.
'0' -> The I/O pin is actively driven as an output.
'1' -> The I/O pin is an open-drain driver. As an output, the pin is driven active-low, otherwise it is three-stated.

2. Port Data Register (PDATx)

3. Port Data Direction Register (PDIRx)
 : Direction. Indicates whether a pin is used as an input or an output.
'0' -> The corresponding pin is an input or is bidirectional
'1' -> The corresponding pin is an output.

4. Port Pin Assignment Register (PPAR)
 : Dedicated enable. Indicates whether a pin is a general-purpose I/O or a dedicated peripheral pin.
'0' -> General-purpose I/O. The peripheral functions of the pin are not used.
'1' -> Dedicated peripheral function.

5. Port Special Options Register (PSORx)
 : Special-option. Determines whether a pin configured for a dedicated function uses option 1 or option 2.
'0' -> Dedicated peripheral function. Option 1
'1' -> Dedicated peripheral function. Option 2

 MPC8280 칩의 Intenal Memory Resources는 연속적인 메모리 블럭에 맵핑되어 진다. 그 크기는 256 Kbytes이다. 이 블럭의 위치는 전역 4-Gbyte 물리 메모리 공간에 256 Kbytes 해상도로 매핑되어 지는데, IMMR(Interal Memory Map Register) 레지스터에 명시된 곳에 위치한다. 즉 Base Address를 IMMR 레지스터를 이용하여 직접 지정할 수 있다.

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